Heres a nice article about Mondo and Poster Collecting.

First off, I want to say that I think Tyler Stout is great, we’ve spoken many times and you couldn’t ask for a more deserving guy and I can’t wait to see what he has to offer us next. However, as great as he is, I think its odd that this article seems to focus on him as if he is the messiah of Mondo movie posters. There was a brief mention of Moss and how he has his minimalist style, Oh! and then there’s Dan Danger he is good for movies with “lots of mood,” WTF?!? Then the article launches itself back in to Tyler-Love-Fest talking about how Tylers Star Wars prints sold originally for $50/poster and now go for an average of like $650!!! But, no where do they mention Moss’ Star wars set that sold for $50/poster and now seems to be going for $1,500-2,000 !!!!! Now don’t get me wrong, 9 times out of 10 if you put a Stout or a Moss print in front of me I’ll go with Stouts work (that’s just my personal preference) but to totally dismiss the Moss Star Wars set and focus so blindly on Tylers? It just came off as more TS worship which there is already a lot of. There is no need to continue fanning the flames of the 100’s if not 1,000’s of T.S. fanboys!!

So in my opinion this article although spot on in a lot of aspects and it did a decent job at pulling in different perspectives from names through out the movie poster collecting world, was still a little lopsided only focusing on a small number of artists and theaters that are now doing their own screen printed posters.

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